Payroll: Printing Paychecks

To print payroll checks, download the "Checks" report and print.

The checks come with your payroll package, and you can access them in PayDeck at any time:

  1. Select Reports.
  2. Select Payroll Reports
  3. Click the ^ to expand the desired Payroll date range.
  4. Select the download button to the right of the file called any of the following: Regular ChecksSpecial Checks, or Checks Ex (for this specific task, do not select reports with "Register.").

Note: Favorite, or star, a specific report for quicker access.


The downloaded pdf has all your printer-ready payroll checks. For accurate printing, open with a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, versus a browser. Click here for a sample print setup.

For check paper restock, email

To learn more about paperless checks, see About Paperless Payroll.



Updated 5/15/2023

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