Payroll checks sent to you online ready for print, instead of delivered to your office.
With Paperless Payroll Options, you eliminate the usual delivery hassle and distribute your employee paychecks much faster.
Brands Paycheck Services will process payroll for you and post checks online ready-to-print. The Web Post checks can then be printed safely and easily, with a regular printer, on secure check paper.
Features and Benefits:
- Receive payroll in minutes 24 hours a day - usually within 5 to 30 minutes (up to 2 hours) after submitting payroll
- No bad-weather impediments or traffic delays, no waiting for delivery
- Password-protected access to print-ready checks
- Digital versions of your payroll for future reference
- Easier collaboration with your accountant
- Go green and save trees with fewer printed reports - no more piles of wasted paper
- Direct Deposit option: vouchers can be emailed directly to each employee - or posted online for clients using Employee Self Service (ESS)
- No delivery charge
Free and easy :)
Not ready to upgrade? Try a paperless copy for a few weeks and see how you like it. So far, no one has chosen to revert back.
Add to Your Account:
To add Paperless Payroll to your account, contact us at cs@brandspaycheck.com.
Restock Check Paper:
To refill your stock of blank check paper, order from Brands at any time for a nominal fee. Send us a quick email with the following:
To: cs@brandspaycheck.com
Subject: Refill check paper
Hi, I'd like to refill my stock of check paper.
Company Number:
Company Name:
Amount to restock:
See additional payroll offerings: