Add/Remove PayDeck User

To add or remove a PayDeck user, log into PayDeck, then

                    A) Select Settings in the menu on the left.

                    B) Select Users.


TO ADD USER (following this, you will find how to Remove User)

  1. Select + Add User.
  2. Select the employee by clicking Search Employee.
  3. If the new user is not an employee, fill out the first name, last name, email address and phone number.
  4. Select Save

  5. Select the Roles and Permissions for the new user from the dropdown.
            1. Select the Role from the dropdown
            2. Toggle the PayDeck Access button and toggle the desired accesses
            3. The allowed access will show in blue.
            4. Select Close

  6. The new User will receive a PayDeck Invite to create a password and will have access to the portal.


  1. Find User
  2. Select Permissions on right of name
  3. Toggle the PayDeck access button so that it is greyed out.
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