Labor Law Posters


Labor Law Posters

Stay Compliant, Hassle-Free: Always Have the Latest Labor Law Posters at Your Fingertips!


Labor law posters are essential to keeping your business compliant with federal, state, and industry-specific regulations. These posters display important employee rights and workplace standards, helping you avoid costly penalties while ensuring a transparent and compliant work environment. Having the correct and most up-to-date posters in your workplace—and accessible to employees digitally if required by your state—is crucial to meeting these legal standards.

Stay compliant with ease—Brand’s keeps your labor law posters up-to-date with the latest regulations. Choose from a one-time poster purchase, automatic delivery with each regulatory update, or access to the most current digital version—whatever works best for your business, we’ve got you covered.

Explore our flexible options tailored to fit your business needs, and reach out to our team to learn more about the options available and get the solution that’s right for you.




Poster Services

Single Physical Poster

If all you need is a one-time delivery of a physical poster, this will cover that. The poster will be compliant and up-to-date as of the month of purchase. To receive further updates, look into our more comprehensive options below.


E-Update Labor Law Poster Service

This is our legacy option that will keep you compliant and covered down the line. Upon ordering, you’ll receive a physical poster that’s up-to-date, and you’ll continue to receive emails of updates whenever they occur throughout the year.

Upon receiving these digital updates, you’ll be able to download and print out the updates yourself, but you’ll have to post them alongside the original physical poster that was initially sent. For a more practical and premium option that involves no work at all on your part, see our brand new service below.


E-Update Labor Law Poster Replacement Service

This is our brand new premium service option that you’ll absolutely love. With this service, you’ll receive the initial physical poster, and then every time there are compliance updates, you’ll receive a brand new physical poster in the mail.

This ensures year-round compliance without having to stress or do any extra legwork. No need to print anything new out yourself—simply receive it, post it on your wall, and you’re done. It’s that easy.

However, if you’d really like to take advantage of the full scope of our offerings, there’s yet another add-on service you can take full advantage of below: employee digital poster access.


E-Update Labor Law Poster Replacement Service + Employee Digital Law Poster Access

This service is just like our premium option above, but your employees will also receive digital access to the posters. Within the comfort of their EmployeeDeck account, your staff members will see each labor law poster update as they occur—ensuring full company-wide compliance and transparency.

Just like the E-Update Labor Law Poster Replacement Service above, you’ll receive the initial physical poster in the mail. Every time an update occurs, you’ll get a new one in the mail, and your employees will be able to see those updates digitally.

It’s truly the ultimate statement to your staff that you’re a business that runs a tight and compliant ship.


State Requirements

Some states, like New York, require digital workplace posters, while others simply recommend offering this option to employees. If you're located in New York, our highest-tier package covers this requirement.


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Phone: (718) 625-1800


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