PlatinumPay: View employee sick and vacation hours

To view employee sick and vacation hours:

  1. In PlatinumPay, select the Reporting drawer.
  2. Select the Report Browser icon.
  3. Select the Basic tab on the bottom.
  4. Right-click Sick & Vacation Report and select Preview Report.
  5. Input the company number, dates and employee number needed and click OK.


If you are not set up for accruals:

  1.  PlatinumPay, select the Reporting drawer.
  2. Select the Report Browser icon.
  3. Select the Advanced tab on the bottom.
  4. Scroll down through the folders and click Select Reports.
  5. Right-click VacSickHrs and select Preview Report.
  6. Input the company number, the date needed and click OK.



For more info, see About PlatinumPay.



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