PlatinumPay: Set up employee

Switch to reguarl online payroll

To add or edit an employee:

Note: You can skip this step if you have New-Hire Onboarding.

  1. In PlatinumPay, click Employee Setup.
  2. Select an existing employee or select New. Enter all information, including social security number, name, address and zip code (city and state will auto-fill when you enter the zip code and hit Enter).
  3. Enter the Pay Rate. Hourly employees go in the Rate 1 column (15.00) and salaried employees go into the Salary column (500.00).


  4. Switch to the Basic Tax Info tab.
  5. In Fed Status (W-4 Form), enter marital status (Married or Single).
  6. In Fed Allowances, enter the number of dependents.
  7. If the employee is a 1099 contractor: In Entry Type, select Independent Contractor.


  8. Switch to the HR Basic or HR QuickView tab.
  9. In the Dates section, enter the start date and the birthdate.
  10. In the EEO section, enter the gender.
  11. Save.



See it in action:


Next: Set up direct deposit >


Employee Self Service Options

Employees can manage their own info, too:


For more info, see About PlatinumPay.



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