Payroll: Run Payroll


To start running payroll, after logging into PayDeck:

  1. In the left-hand menu, select Payroll. This will take you to the Dashboard. 
  2. Click on the Payroll tab to the right of the Dashboard.
  3. Select Start Payroll.


  4. Review the pay dates to make sure they are accurate. Click Create Payroll.

    >> For different dates, see How to run unscheduled payroll.

  5. Enter hours in the applicable columns (Regular Hours, Overtime Hours, etc.) or enter Amount if it's a set amount for the period.



Note: Multiple edits may be made to the payroll while on this page:

  • To not pay a specific employee during this pay period, uncheck the green button in the column to the left of their name.
  • To submit an additional, separate check for an employee, click the V button below the green gear.  A series of actions will become available; select Duplicate this Row. Under the Check column, the original row will include the number "1", and the duplicated row will include the number "2".
  • Feel free to use multiple pay columns to distinguish hour allocations, e.g., vacation, sick, holiday.  
  • Manually add new employees by clicking the V under the green gear and selecting Add Payee.
  • Override rates temporarily using the pay grid to the left of the gear icon. 


6. Click Save Changes at the top right. Return to your Payroll tab at the top of your dashboard. 

7. Click Edit Payroll. Changes may still be made at this point in the process.

8. Slide the Complete? toggle under "In Progress Powergrids". Which will move your payroll into       "Complete Powergrids". Slide the toggle again. 

9. Submit your payroll by clicking Process all PowerGrids. A dialogue box will pop up with status     updates as it calculates your payroll. This should take no more than 2 minutes. You will have the   option to edit by selecting Payroll Details or continue by selecting Payroll Totals.


10. Once you have finalized any edits, you may continue to Submit Payroll. Review your payroll report before processing by clicking Payroll Register under "View Live Reports". 

11. If all the pays are correct, press the green Submit Payroll button. Otherwise, you may select Back to Edit Payroll to make corrections.


Note: Before submitting your payroll, you can make special requests for this pay period (for example, changing a check date). Under "Processing Options", check "Process my payroll with these special instructions". Type out your request in the provided field.

For more info, see About Online Payroll.


Updated 10/26/2022

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