Paydeck 2.0 Edit Payroll Checks

To make edits to an employee check within a payroll:


1. Select the 3 dots next to the employee’s name.


2. Select “Pay Frequency & Tax Settings” to change how the employee is being taxed.

3. Select Pay “Check Type” to modify whether the payment will be a regular check or direct deposit.

4. Select “Change Division/Department” to modify which division or department the check should be paid under.

5. Select “Override Taxes” to override Federal, State, FLI, or disability taxes.

                a) FICA and local taxes cannot be overridden.

6. Select “Add Note” to add a note to the check.

7. Select “Add Check” to add a second check for the same employee to the payroll.

8. Select “Remove from Payroll” to delete the current check from the payroll.


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