Paydeck 2.0 Advanced Options

When entering a payroll it is possible to add and make specific employee adjustments as follows:

1. Select the Payroll Interface icon.

2. Select the Add Payee (s) icon.


3. Choose the employee (s) you want to add.

4. Select next


5. Select Advanced Options.

6. There are 5 available options available to toggle on:

                a) Don’t Include default, pay earnings, and deductions

                 - This is for creating non regular checks (e.g., Bonus checks).

                b) Add Earning/Deduction

                 - This determines what pay code should be used when adding the check.

                c) Override Direct Deposit - use to issue regular checks

                d) Change Division - changes division for all new checks added

                e) Add Check Note - allows you to enter a message displayed on the check


7. Select Add to Payroll after Toggling on the Options you need.


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